Mode 1: Kneading: EMS
Simulates the thumbs, fingers, and palms of a real massage therapist. The sensation should feel like a vibration. It focuses on hypertension and stress and helps to break that down, returning to full range of motion and flexibility.

Mode 2: Acupressure: EMS
A much more rapid and focused pulse that focuses in on any knot or adhesion in the body. It puts enough pressure on it to break it down and release any acidic (lactic) content within.

Mode 3: Tapping: TENS
Simulates a second heartbeat. By tapping the muscle, you increase the body’s natural blood flow and oxygen supply to the target area. This also helps flush any inflammation or swelling in the target area.

Mode 4 Cupping: TENS
This will reach in, grab, and stretch the muscle. Help to lengthen and broaden it, the release it as it sets it back. This will help to increase the flexibility and mobility of the muscle.

Mode 5: Hot Stone: TENS
Relaxation mode. This simulates a regular manual rolling massage helping the soft tissue to release and relax.

Mode 6: Shuffle: TENS
This is a combination of modes 1,4,5. This is a great mode to use when cooling down from an exercise.

Mode 7: Elbow Pressing
This mode simulates the massage therapist by pressing on the body with the elbow. It is designed to relieve muscular spasm pains in the shoulder and back.

Mode 8: Trigger Point
This simulates a massage therapist pressing the trigger points along the meridians with fingertips. It is used to relieve fatigue, keep healthy and energetic, and to relax tendons.

Mode 9: Reflexology: TENS
This mode has been designed for foot accessories. It simulates a reflexology session using several different stimulation patterns.

Mode 10: Auricular Therapy: TENS
When used properly with the ear clip attachment, this mode simulates alpha waves in the brain, which have been known to help sleep patterns, behavior, and endorphin release. Also, it will relax the suboccipital muscles and promote vaso dilation, helping with migraines and headaches.

Mode 11: Contract and Hold: EMS
This mode is the longest contraction on the machine. It is designed to simulate a flexing movement to help build muscle tissue.

Mode 12: Ramping wave: TENS
This mode is designed to start out with number 3, tapping. It will get faster and deeper into the belly of the muscle as it continues until it goes to a fully facilitated contraction. Then it will allow the muscle to release. This has been used to increase endurance and build fatigue resistance.
Micro Current is well known as “human bioelectricity”. This mode is to prevent and treat diseases by using the current to increase microcirculation to the area. This can help with swelling, joint relief, muscle pain relief, and performance. Because microcurrent is subsensory there is often no sensation felt.
Mode 14 – Warming-up Exercise: EMS
This mode is designed to simulate cardio exercises like jogging to warm up the body, which can increase muscular flexibility to reduce the occurrence of sports injuries and increase the muscles’ elasticity.
Mode 15 – Apparatus Exercises: EMS
This mode is deigned to simulate exercises with equipment to enhance the performance of the muscles, which can improve muscular definition, increase flexibility and decrease the injuries & muscle pain.
Mode 16 – Relaxation: EMS
This mode is designed to stretch & relax muscles, which can eliminate fatigue and prevent the muscle spasms.

Mode 17: Muscular Warm Up: EMS
This mode is designed to increase the temperature of muscle ligaments and joints. It can extend the range and ability of joints and ligaments, also can reduce muscle viscosity and improve muscular contraction and flexibility. Muscular warm-up is a key to improve the quality of training and prevent injury of sports.

Modes 18 & 19: Muscular Reinforcement: EMS
This mode can improve the quality of training, help to prevent sports injuries, and strengthen the muscle. It can also be used to provide a suitable physical exercise which can accelerate the blood circulation of injured or atrophic muscle tissues and promote the protein synthesis so as to accelerate the rehabilitation of muscular atrophy.

Mode 20: Muscular Relaxation: EMS
This mode is designed to stimulate muscles, release tension and promote overall well being through simulating an all-embracing massage.

Modes 21-24: Recover, Mixed Recovery, Strengthening, Conditioning: EMS
Different times and burst patterns which use muscle confusion and isometric contractions all of which will have a slightly different affect.